More for Children

Messy Church, Toddlers, Children's Area, Holiday Club

Hello everyone. 

There's lots going on for children at All Saints:

  • Toddler groups meet on Tuesdays and Fridays in term time from 9.30 to 11.30 am. Please bring your own lidded cup.
  • Messy Church usually one Sunday a month with Crafts, songs, stories and food in the Church or Church Hall.
  • Activity Time for older children alongside Messy Church.
  • Jigsaw Sunday School, first Sunday of the month during the 9.30am service.

Messy Church

Messy Church runs one Sunday a month in term time for children and their parents, grandparents or carers. We usually start at 3.30pm in the church or church hall with lots of time for activities and crafts based around the Bible. This is followed by worship together with plenty of lively singing and a short talk or story. We end our time together with a tasty snack and refreshments for all. Children take home everything they have made.

Messy Nature  - June 9th 2024 The lack of experience in the construction of a Bug Hotel amongst the various helpers at Messy Nature was more than offset by the enthusiasm of the children. Pallets were stacked, leaves, straw and dry grass collected and stuffed into various carpet tubes, bamboo poles and cardboard loo roll centres which in turn were squeezed into the gaps between pallets. Some old carpet over the top and a sign telling the bugs what is on offer and we were ready for the grand opening ceremony attended by around 50 children, helpers and parents. Now all we need is the bugs! - watch that space.

Programme for the rest of 2024: September 8th : Breaking Bread (the story of Jesus breakfast on the beach)

October 13th : Harvest

November 10th: Eating together (the story of Jesus eating with the tax collector) with a Remembrance activity as well

December 8th : Messy Christmas with Christingle service 3-5. (Uniformed organisations and whole church invited to all or just the Christingle part)

Activity Time

Activity Time for Children aged 9 and over (year 5 and above) is held in the halls at the same time as Messy Church in the church. 3.30 - 5pm. Table football, table tennis and ball games with a BIble activity on the theme of the day. These children will join us in the church for worship and tea. The older children will of course be supervised in the halls if you need to be with younger children in the church, but please do not leave your children in the hall and go home!

Booking is not necessary.

Jigsaw (Sunday School) during the 9.30 service NEW!

September 1st : Creation

October 6th : Noah

November 3rd : Moses

December 1st : Samuel

Other Activities:

October 30th Light Party (not Halloween!) details TBC

2nd and 3rd December Christmas Unwrapped. Gresham and Atwood have already booked 2 sessions each.

And of course our twice weekly Toddler Groups (starting back on Friday 6th September)

We are very blessed at All Saints’ with so many amazing volunteers. If you would like to help us for any of the activities above, or would like to find out more, with no commitments please ask Judith Robinson, Sue Thomas or Sarah Palfrey (our paid Children and Family Support Worker).

Visit our Prayer for Children Page

Children's Area

The Children's Area at All Saints is located in St Catherine’s Aisle, which is part of the main church. There are toys, books, games and puzzles suitable for babies and older children and a member of our congregation, who has been D & B checked, stays in the Area throughout the service to look after and ensure the safety of the children. Parents are welcome to stay with their children or to come and go during the service. Children can take toys or colouring books from the Children’s Area and sit with their parents if they prefer. There are toilet facilities and a baby changing unit nearby in the vestry.

Toddler Groups

Our lively and popular Toddler Groups meet in All Saints Halls on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 9.30 am in term time. For more information about joining a toddler group, please contact

Holiday Club 2023

Christmas at Toddlers

Bug Hotel

Grand opening of bug hotel